Our preschool program enhances a hands-on learning environment that promotes creativity and critical thinking. Our loving teachers create a safe place for our students to become enthusiastic and confident learners. We harness children's curiosity and allow kids to be kids. Our main goal is to help them develop skills based on five areas: cognitive, linguistic, motor, socioemotional, and adaptation. Classes are given in English except for Physical Education and Values.
We focus on giving each child a solid foundation in the core subjects of Math, Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies, while giving them opportunities for creativity and critical thinking. Also, our additional classes in Values, Spanish, Art, Computer, Music, and Physical Education fully round out our curriculum. Our educators are dedicated to teaching life skills and to help each student develop their full potential academically, socially, emotionally and physically.
During Upper Primary, our students experience many opportunities to become more independent and responsible for their own learning process. Teachers provide guidance during these years to prepare them for Middle School.
During Middle School, our students deal with great personal and intellectual growth. In our Institute, students have the potential to develop as thoughtful learners when led by experienced teachers. In our classrooms, we allow them to develop and express themselves with their own individual ideas.
Each subject is taught by a specialist teacher that engages each student in their own learning. In addition to the core subjects of Math, World History & Geography, Literature, English, and Science, our Middle School students also learn Spanish, Debate, Public Speaking, Civics & Ethics, Music, Computer, and Physical Education.